To book Individual Skype Consultations and/or In-Person Training Sessions with Zeena, please read the entirety of this page.
Before Applying:
If you are basing your interest in Zeena on very old interviews of her, which you may have found online from the 1980s during the "satanic panic" era in America, it should be noted that Zeena renounced her involvement from all forms of satanism in 1990.
For a brief overview of Zeena's history, and explanation of her renunciation of her father's organization and satanism in general, please read our General Info Letter and Zeena's Wikipedia page.
About Zeena's Teachings:
Zeena's teachings are reflective of her tantric training and practices as yogini within Vajrayana Buddhism, as well as her extensive experience as tantrika of Shaktism. Zeena has been a practicing Buddhist for over twenty years. She undertook Tibetan Buddhist Ngöndro training in 2007, received training in Phowa practices (2012) from her heart Lama H.E. Ayang Rinpoche; has taken full Bodhisattva vows (2014) from Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang Rinpoche at the Milarepa Retreat center Germany; and completed the traditional Tibetan Buddhist three year retreat training (2016-2020) from Karma Thekchen Yi Ong Ling Karma Kagyü Retreat Center Germany, under the guidance of her root Lama V.V. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche and retreat master Lama Kunga Dorje. The three year retreat training includes Vajrayogini initiation and practices, the Six Yogas of Naropa and Mahamudra meditation.
In addition, Zeena has received numerous other tantric initiations from the above Lamas and takes regular bi-annual retreats to deepen and master these ongoing, lifelong practices.
Her strong points in aiding others are in the Buddha Amitabha and Dewachen death practices (e.g., aiding in preparation of, and guiding through the death process and aftermath for both humans and animals, including performing liturgies and prayers upon request), dream yoga, mantra meditation (mantrayana) and healing practices for humans and animals through Bhaisajyaguru rituals.
Zeena incorporates into her personal practices and teachings decades long study, practice and personal gnosis of Gnostic Sethian theurgy traditions, stemming from the ancient worship and primordial magical practices of the Egyptian deity Seth.
In no way do Zeena's teachings of the deity known as Seth/Sutekh have anything to do with the California corporation called the Temple of Set, nor the Typhonian O.T.O. (or any other misguided Aleister Crowley [Thelema] inspired permutations thereof), nor with any other occult groups using Seth as figure-head, philosophical archetype or artistic decoration.
Similarly, the deity Seth, in its purest original essence, is not synonymous or interchangeable with "Satan," as has been erroneously promulgated in 20th century occult milieux, influenced by early mistranslations and Judeo-Christian scholars' misinterpretations based on their own religious biases. Zeena totally rejects such solipsistic, postmodern, self-created interpretations of deities, initiation and magic. In 2002, she resigned from the corporate role of 'High Priestess of the Temple of Set, Inc.' to form the Sethian Liberation movement on the basis of her direct communion with, and instructions from, the deity Himself.
Zeena has also received instruction from her heart Lama Ayang Rinpoche on how to properly practice both Buddhism and Sethian theurgy, without contradicting her Buddhist vows. This is applied in the same manner as with Buddhist practitioners who originally are of other religions, such as Christian or Hindu, who still maintain aspects of their original faiths at the same time as recognizing that those faiths are not the true route to Liberation, Enlightenment and Omniscience as taught by the Buddha Shakyamuni.
It should therefore be understood, that in no way does Zeena conflate her Sethian practices and teachings (of the gnostic -not Western occultist- type) with the Buddhist ones. Nor does she blend them together as many occultists, secular humanist, atheists, academics, and religious zealots of all persuasions, wrongly assume. Finally, to make 100% clear: Satanism has absolutely no place in Zeena's teachings nor practices. These are all erroneous notions that Zeena is firmly against.
Early life
At the age of thirteen, Zeena was first taught single-point meditation in San Francisco by a Japanese-American female Zen practitioner as part of natural childbirth techniques to assist the delivery of her son. This was Zeena's first experience with formalized training in an Eastern meditation technique, taught in a nurturing environment removed from her family's philosophical influences.
Zeena then began teaching her own system of magic, shamanism and mind-focusing techniques at the age of sixteen, at the request of neighbors who knew of her personal spiritual practices after which she developed a following of students outside of the framework and philosophy of her upbringing. Requests for her teaching continued to grow even more after she broke away from her father's religion.
In 1990, after leaving her father's organization and emigrating from the United States to Europe, Zeena focused on her own spiritual quest for answers and to seek qualified teachers from unbroken, untainted lineages who could initiate her within authentic tantric (vernacular, "Left-hand path") traditions.
Zeena withdrew from mainstream media and musical performances for twenty-three years in order to fully devote herself to following the advice of her inner and outer gurus and to living a minimalist lifestyle of focused initiation, study and practice. Although removed from the public sphere, she has continued teaching meditation, metaphysics, magical and ritual techniques, and mind training throughout that time. Despite her refusal to have an internet presence until 2011, she has taught continuously for over forty years, since 1979.
In 2013, Zeena officially broke her silence and returned to public music performance, bringing her transformation and accumulated wisdom of twenty-three years concentrated spiritual practice to integrate into her public art and music works.
Between 2016-2020 she completed the traditional Tibetan Buddhist three year retreat training and now lives as part urban-dwelling, part forest-dwelling dakini working as visual and sound artist.
To apply for in-person or Skype consultations
Send an e-mail to [email protected] indicating whether you're requesting an in-person session (in Berlin, Germany) or a Skype session.
In your email, please include a brief introduction about yourself, why you're applying for the session with Zeena. Include any current or previous religious experience, spiritual disciplines and/or related practices which might be relevant to your session.
After your email is received, KCH will provide further info on how to reserve your session with Zeena.
For overseas Skype sessions, please remember that the sessions are scheduled according to Central European Time Zone.
Check a world clock for time conversions in your area.
*Update Spring 2022: Due to current work on many time-intensive projects, Zeena must decline most requests for new long-term students.
It is, however, possible to book a consultation session with her for the following purposes:
1) to answer specific questions about your spiritual practices, 2) to discuss possible future courses of study and training, 3) for spiritual guidance regarding illness or death and/or to request liturgies for an ill or dying loved one (whether human or animal), or 4) post-death bereavement counseling.
Please remember that Zeena's consultation sessions are based exclusively on Buddha-Dharma philosophy and practices.
[Last updated: 05. April, 2022]
If you are basing your interest in Zeena on very old interviews of her, which you may have found online from the 1980s during the "satanic panic" era in America, it should be noted that Zeena renounced her involvement from all forms of satanism in 1990.
For a brief overview of Zeena's history, and explanation of her renunciation of her father's organization and satanism in general, please read our General Info Letter and Zeena's Wikipedia page.
About Zeena's Teachings:
Zeena's teachings are reflective of her tantric training and practices as yogini within Vajrayana Buddhism, as well as her extensive experience as tantrika of Shaktism. Zeena has been a practicing Buddhist for over twenty years. She undertook Tibetan Buddhist Ngöndro training in 2007, received training in Phowa practices (2012) from her heart Lama H.E. Ayang Rinpoche; has taken full Bodhisattva vows (2014) from Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang Rinpoche at the Milarepa Retreat center Germany; and completed the traditional Tibetan Buddhist three year retreat training (2016-2020) from Karma Thekchen Yi Ong Ling Karma Kagyü Retreat Center Germany, under the guidance of her root Lama V.V. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche and retreat master Lama Kunga Dorje. The three year retreat training includes Vajrayogini initiation and practices, the Six Yogas of Naropa and Mahamudra meditation.
In addition, Zeena has received numerous other tantric initiations from the above Lamas and takes regular bi-annual retreats to deepen and master these ongoing, lifelong practices.
Her strong points in aiding others are in the Buddha Amitabha and Dewachen death practices (e.g., aiding in preparation of, and guiding through the death process and aftermath for both humans and animals, including performing liturgies and prayers upon request), dream yoga, mantra meditation (mantrayana) and healing practices for humans and animals through Bhaisajyaguru rituals.
Zeena incorporates into her personal practices and teachings decades long study, practice and personal gnosis of Gnostic Sethian theurgy traditions, stemming from the ancient worship and primordial magical practices of the Egyptian deity Seth.
In no way do Zeena's teachings of the deity known as Seth/Sutekh have anything to do with the California corporation called the Temple of Set, nor the Typhonian O.T.O. (or any other misguided Aleister Crowley [Thelema] inspired permutations thereof), nor with any other occult groups using Seth as figure-head, philosophical archetype or artistic decoration.
Similarly, the deity Seth, in its purest original essence, is not synonymous or interchangeable with "Satan," as has been erroneously promulgated in 20th century occult milieux, influenced by early mistranslations and Judeo-Christian scholars' misinterpretations based on their own religious biases. Zeena totally rejects such solipsistic, postmodern, self-created interpretations of deities, initiation and magic. In 2002, she resigned from the corporate role of 'High Priestess of the Temple of Set, Inc.' to form the Sethian Liberation movement on the basis of her direct communion with, and instructions from, the deity Himself.
Zeena has also received instruction from her heart Lama Ayang Rinpoche on how to properly practice both Buddhism and Sethian theurgy, without contradicting her Buddhist vows. This is applied in the same manner as with Buddhist practitioners who originally are of other religions, such as Christian or Hindu, who still maintain aspects of their original faiths at the same time as recognizing that those faiths are not the true route to Liberation, Enlightenment and Omniscience as taught by the Buddha Shakyamuni.
It should therefore be understood, that in no way does Zeena conflate her Sethian practices and teachings (of the gnostic -not Western occultist- type) with the Buddhist ones. Nor does she blend them together as many occultists, secular humanist, atheists, academics, and religious zealots of all persuasions, wrongly assume. Finally, to make 100% clear: Satanism has absolutely no place in Zeena's teachings nor practices. These are all erroneous notions that Zeena is firmly against.
Early life
At the age of thirteen, Zeena was first taught single-point meditation in San Francisco by a Japanese-American female Zen practitioner as part of natural childbirth techniques to assist the delivery of her son. This was Zeena's first experience with formalized training in an Eastern meditation technique, taught in a nurturing environment removed from her family's philosophical influences.
Zeena then began teaching her own system of magic, shamanism and mind-focusing techniques at the age of sixteen, at the request of neighbors who knew of her personal spiritual practices after which she developed a following of students outside of the framework and philosophy of her upbringing. Requests for her teaching continued to grow even more after she broke away from her father's religion.
In 1990, after leaving her father's organization and emigrating from the United States to Europe, Zeena focused on her own spiritual quest for answers and to seek qualified teachers from unbroken, untainted lineages who could initiate her within authentic tantric (vernacular, "Left-hand path") traditions.
Zeena withdrew from mainstream media and musical performances for twenty-three years in order to fully devote herself to following the advice of her inner and outer gurus and to living a minimalist lifestyle of focused initiation, study and practice. Although removed from the public sphere, she has continued teaching meditation, metaphysics, magical and ritual techniques, and mind training throughout that time. Despite her refusal to have an internet presence until 2011, she has taught continuously for over forty years, since 1979.
In 2013, Zeena officially broke her silence and returned to public music performance, bringing her transformation and accumulated wisdom of twenty-three years concentrated spiritual practice to integrate into her public art and music works.
Between 2016-2020 she completed the traditional Tibetan Buddhist three year retreat training and now lives as part urban-dwelling, part forest-dwelling dakini working as visual and sound artist.
To apply for in-person or Skype consultations
Send an e-mail to [email protected] indicating whether you're requesting an in-person session (in Berlin, Germany) or a Skype session.
In your email, please include a brief introduction about yourself, why you're applying for the session with Zeena. Include any current or previous religious experience, spiritual disciplines and/or related practices which might be relevant to your session.
After your email is received, KCH will provide further info on how to reserve your session with Zeena.
For overseas Skype sessions, please remember that the sessions are scheduled according to Central European Time Zone.
Check a world clock for time conversions in your area.
*Update Spring 2022: Due to current work on many time-intensive projects, Zeena must decline most requests for new long-term students.
It is, however, possible to book a consultation session with her for the following purposes:
1) to answer specific questions about your spiritual practices, 2) to discuss possible future courses of study and training, 3) for spiritual guidance regarding illness or death and/or to request liturgies for an ill or dying loved one (whether human or animal), or 4) post-death bereavement counseling.
Please remember that Zeena's consultation sessions are based exclusively on Buddha-Dharma philosophy and practices.
[Last updated: 05. April, 2022]