A Message From Zeena: "In celebration of Harvest Season and the coming Autumn Equinox, I am very happy to share with you a newly created fine art portrait of me as the Angel of Death by the very talented artist and friend Fabiano Gagliano. All of Gagliano's works are timeless depictions of feminine beauty at its highest spiritual ideal (a phenomenon I've coined in my book Demons of the Flesh as “the Feminine Daemonic”). His style has been honed over decades and is refreshingly free of any distractions, distortions or irritations of modern art trends or references. The minimalist, streamlined presentation and choice of colors is confident yet sensitive and beautifully classical without clichés. "Aside from our mutual appreciation for the same aesthetics in traditional art, and our similar histories as graphic artists for publications and band art, Gagliano is also a long-time accomplished musician and has traversed a kindred musical path as I; it's through oblique music connections from our past bands that we came to know each other. So when he asked to do a new rendition of an established photo-portrait of me, I knew that in his case it was a perfect suggestion. Based on his art education, experience, intuition and instinct, he understood not only my personal tastes but the significance and layers of the symbolism in the portrait he proposed, as it relates to my life's work.
The Augustinian quote he chose to include in the portrait, says it all: Noli foras ire, in te ipsum redi. In interiore homine habitat veritas. 'Don't lose yourself with the outside; return within. Truth dwells inside the human heart.' (loosely translated) This scripture could also be understood as the Method which leads to spiritual Enlightenment, known in many mystical traditions variously as: Primoridial Wisdom (Vajrayana Buddhism), the Gnostics understanding of Sophia, the Quest for the Holy Grail and the process of Internal Alchemy. Thanks to Fabiano for his inner wisdom to “see” what many cannot see, and to hopefully inspire others to “see,” with all senses, the magic of feminine beauty in all of his works - and all of life as well... ~Omnia Vincit Amor~ ~Zeena " ___________ To see more of Fabiano Gagliano's work, visit his online sites at: www.fabianogagliano.com https://www.instagram.com/fabiano_gagliano/ https://www.facebook.com/FabianoGaglianoArtPage/?pnref=lhc https://it.pinterest.com/fabiano777/
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Summer Solstice 2017 - Torino di Sangro, ItalyA slideshow and video from the Summer Solstice ritual can be now be seen on the NEW permanent feature 'Photo Gallery of Events and Activities' page of our website. Click on this link: http://www.zeenaschreck.com/photo-gallery.html Video clip of the ritual is below in this post.
EXCLUSIVE- Zeena will conduct a rare Summer Solstice Ritual and Blessing by the Sea in Italy: Open to the first 12 people to reserve their place. A teaching with guided practice and the possibility for individuals' questions answered are also included in the ritual event. More details below in Italian language, then followed by English.
Because of the very limited number of participants allowed, to reserve a space NOW use THIS PayPal Button:
ESCLUSIVO: Zeena guiderà un raro rituale Tantrico-Sethiano per il Solstizio d'estate con la benedizione del mare italiano, l'evento è limitato ad un gruppo di 12 persone. Durante la giornata saranno inclusi anche alcuni insegnamenti aggiuntivi con pratiche guidate.
Seguono più dettagli. * In sintonia con il lignaggio yogico del saggio buddhista tibetano Milarepa, a cui Zeena è iniziata, il tema dell'insegnamento sarà basato sulla consapevolezza intuitiva che il guru avrà al momento dell'insegnamento, e riguarderà quindi ciò che sarà più utile in quell'istante per i partecipanti. Per questo motivo, il tema dell'insegnamento non potrà essere annunciato precedentemente. * L'insegnamento inizierà alle 15.30 ed includerà istruzioni sulla pratica dello yoga; verrà dedicato del tempo per fare in modo che i partecipanti siano guidati attraverso la pratica. * Ci sarà tempo per domande brevi e conseguenti risposte. * Alle 18.00 dopo l'insegnamento, ci sarà un piccolo break per cenare. * Ognuno dovrebbe portare con sé il cibo che preferisce, non possiamo accontentare ognuno con dei piatti speciali. Ma ci saranno alcuni snack leggeri per tutti. Vi preghiamo di portare anche le bevande di cui avete bisogno. Per rimanere vigili durante l'insegnamento e il rituale, si chiede di astenersi dal bere alcolici finché non sia giunto a termine il tutto. * La pausa serale durerà approssimativamente tre ore. Durante questa pausa sarete liberi di andare fuori a passeggiare, parlare con gli altri, fermarvi o visitare la spiaggia. Ma per favore siate puntuali per il rituale che inizia alle 21. * Incontro privato con Zeena: se qualcuno ha domande personali sulla spiritualità o l'iniziazione, potrà farle durante la pausa serale. Quando farete il pagamento tramite PayPal siete pregati di far notare che volete anche parlare in privato, oppure rendetelo noto a un assistente durante il seminario. * Il rituale avrà inizio alle 21.00. * Richieste di benedizione per sé stessi, per gli altri o per animali, potranno essere scritti sulla carta e dati a Zeena alla fine del rituale. * CHIUNQUE NON POSSA PARTECIPARE, MA VUOLE COMUNQUE CHE LA PROPRIA RICHIESTA DI BENEDIZIONE SIA INCLUSA ALLA FINE DEL RITUALE, è pregato di mandare solo il proprio nome OPPURE il nome della persona o dell'animale per cui è la benediIone a [email protected]. Scrivete chiaramente il motivo per cui chiedete la benedizione (es. esseri deceduti, persone malate o animali), oppure brevemente lo scopo per cui è la benedizione. PER FAVORE, NON LETTERE LUNGHE!!! Solo il nome e lo scopo. Sarà aggiunto al rituale. *L'evento si concluderà alle 22.00. *Per domande rivolgersi a [email protected] . [FINE]
EXCLUSIVE: Zeena will conduct a rare Tantric Sethian Summer Solstice Ritual and Blessing by the Sea in Italy to a limited group of 12. Additional Teaching with guided practice also included. – more details below. *In accordance with the yogic lineage of the Tibetan Buddhist sage Milarepa, from which Zeena is initiated, the theme of the teaching is based on the guru's intuitive understanding of what the participants need at the time of the teaching. Therefore, the theme of the teaching cannot yet be announced. *The teaching begins at 15.30 which includes instructions of yogic practice plus time for participants to be guided through the practice. *There will be time for short questions & answers afterwards. *At 18.00, after the teaching, there will be an evening break. *Everyone should bring their own preference of food, for themselves - we cannot accommodate each person's special food wishes. But there will be some light snacks for everyone. Please also bring your own drinks. To remain alert through the teaching and ritual, we ask that you to refrain from drinking alcohol until the teachings and ritual are over. *The evening break is approximately three hours. During the evening break, you're free to go for a walk, talk with others, rest or visit the beach. But please be on time for the ritual which begins at 21.00. *Private Meetings with Zeena: If anyone has spiritual or initiatory questions of a personal nature for Zeena, there will be time during the evening break to do that. When making your Paypal transaction, please note that you would like to speak privately, or mention it with one of the assistants at the seminar. *The ritual will begin at 21.00. *Requests for blessings for yourself or others, or for pets/animals may be written on a paper and given to Zeena at the end of the ritual. *ANYONE NOT ATTENDING, BUT WHO WOULD LIKE THEIR REQUESTS FOR BLESSINGS TO BE INCLUDED AT THE END OF THE RITUAL, please send only your name OR the name of the person or animal for whom the blessing is for to [email protected]. Write clearly what the blessing is for (i.e., deceased being, or sick person or animal), or briefly what the purpose of the blessing is. NO LONG LETTERS PLEASE!!! Just a name and purpose. They will be added to the ritual. *The entire event concludes at 22.00. *For any questions, contact [email protected]. [END] |
Zeena is an entirely independent, self-funded artist. Her livelihood and funding for creative projects rely solely on commissioned artwork, teaching and lecturing engagements, performances and purchases of her products and music, as well as from donations from private patrons and sponsors. If you would like to pledge your support towards the production costs of current works in progress, please use the PayPal donation button at the top of page. Thank you for your support of Zeena's work! Archives
October 2024
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