Group Meditation
Guided by Zeena Sunday Dec. 6, 2015 1:00PM - 3:00PM Berlin, Germany 25 Euros Deadline to register - Friday Dec. 4, 2015. This will be the last public group Vajrayana meditation practice session of this year. To register, choose the 'Group Meditation Practice ' button on the Paypal drop-down menu below. [Note: This is an extended meditation session. Zeena will guide the participants straight away into the practice itself.] The group meditation practice includes : -Refuge and Dorje Chang Lineage Prayer -Mantra meditation: the practice includes both struck (audible sound vibration resulting from friction between or striking of two forms of matter) and unstruck (thought vibration/the sound of the celestial realm) mantra chanting and meditation practices. Familiarity with yidam yoga is helpful but not necessary. The Yidam mantra for Dec. 6 will be the short Sangye Menla mantra. The mantra meditation gradually silences and segues into the Shamatha meditation. -Shamatha meditation: a silent seated meditation of calm-abiding and stilling internal monkey-chatter thoughts. This meditation is necessary for all other forms of meditation and advanced spiritual practices. -Short Dewachen Prayer and Dedication to close. If you have the texts for the Vajrayana prayers, please bring with you. If you are new, there will be texts available. Location will be sent to you with your confirmation of registration. For questions, contact: [email protected] There are no further workshops scheduled for 2015. Check this page for upcoming workshops in 2016.
The last 23 copies of the limited first edition of The Zaum of Zeena sold out within 48 hours of going online! A fantastic turnout of support for Zeena's work! Because so many people continued ordering after the close of sales for the 1st edition and petitioned for a 2nd edition, we now have word from the publisher HEINZFELLER NILEISIST that a 2nd edition of The Zaum of Zeena is on its way!
If you missed out on the first edition, you can pre-order on this site NOW for the 2nd edition which will be ready in approx. 2 wks. Ordering inquiries should be sent to [email protected]. The Zaum of Zeena is now available on this site! A Collection of Interviews, Essays, Quotes and Images by Zeena Schreck Edited by Frank Haines Published by HEINZFELLER NILEISIST New Review of The Zaum of Zeena by Luca Piccolo below in this post. [La versione in lingua italiana di questa recensione si trova sotto il testo in inglese.] This fine art zine was presented especially for the 10th annual NY Art Book Fair 2015, at MOMA/PS1, Sept. 17-20, 2015 From the original Premiere Limited Edition of 50 - Only 23 copies are left of the original first printing.
New Review of The Zaum of Zeena
by Luca Piccolo: [La versione in lingua italiana di questa recensione si trova sotto il testo in inglese.] . The Zaum of Zeena, published by Frank Haines in 2015, is presented as a "collection of Interview, Essay, Quotes and Images" of the artist Zeena Schreck. Interviews closely analyze the most interesting aspects of the life, the thought and the philosophy that always accompanies Zeena. As is written in the first pages of this volume, "her art, like her music, is best understood as a non-verbal trans-rational branch of her spiritual teaching"; the best way to understand this is to read this text. In fact, Zeena's art is the main issue covered in the first interview presented in this volume, which happens to be my own interview with Zeena originally published in WSF (online art journal). This is followed by excerpts from the interview with the author Konstantinos that focuses on exploring spirituality and the magical path of this artist. A theme which is then expanded upon in a different way in the wonderful interview with Che Chetty (for the School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics, University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa), where certain aspects of Tantra are analyzed and investigated. In this series of questions and answers we see two alternating fronts: the accademic vs. the practical knowledge. The interview by Maxime Lachaud, drops us completely into the musical dimension of the artist, and investigates mainly the work that Zeena made with recordings for Radio Werewolf. Also relevant to her work during Radio Werewolf is an extract from "Mythos Wewelsburg: Fakten und Legenden" by Daniele Siepe, in which the artist explaines the reason for a particular position/asana she takes in a scene from her Video Werewolf film "Germany: The Theory of Ruins" (1992). Both of these interviews make us reflect on the meticulousness that the artist uses for the realization of every single opera. With this in mind, it spontaneously came to me how the composition of this volume was not at all left to chance. Also included in this collection are two writings by Zeena originally published in the Beatdom Magazine # 11 (referring to "Liberation under the Snow Moon," the story of a salvific mission to free captive wolves from a fur farm) and Vice Magazine ("A Tale of Two Birds and Tantric Meditation "). All the interviews are linked together through a series of quotes and images, which greatly augment the value of the text and make for a most pleasant and smooth reading experience. Between the lines we also see beauty and clarity: perhaps the two most emotionally engaging effects of this pubblication. This is a text that gives to the general public the opportunity to open up to the understanding of Zeena Schreck and her art. It is certainly a must read by anyone interested in the spiritual and artistic aspects of Zeena. But also for those who have only a marginal interest in these topics, it is still a treat. --Luca Piccolo 2015 Naples, Italy The Zaum of Zeena, editato da Frank Haines nel 2015, si presenta come una “collection of Interview, Essay, Quotes and Images” dell’artista Zeena Schreck. Le interviste analizzano da vicino gli aspetti più interessanti della vita, del pensiero e della filosofia che accompagna Zeena da sempre. Come appare scritto nelle prime pagine di questo volume “her art, like her music, is best understood as a non-verbal trans-rational branch of her spiritual teaching”; il miglior modo per comprenderlo è leggere questo testo. È infatti l’arte di Zeena la tematica principalmente trattata nella prima intervista, quella di Luca Piccolo. Seguono poi alcuni estratti dall’intervista con l’autore Konstantinos che fa convergere le proprie domande su questioni che indagano la spiritualità e il percorso magico dell’artista. Tematica che poi verrà sviluppata in un altro modo nella stupenda intervista con Che Chetty (for the School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics, University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa), dove sono invece analizzati e indagati alcuni aspetti del Tantra, in questa serie di domande e risposte vediamo alternarsi due fronti: quello accademico e quello della conoscenza pratica. L’intervista di Maxime Lachaud, ci cala completamente nella dimensione musicale dell’artista, e indaga principalmente il lavoro che Zeena ha compiuto con le registrazioni di Radio Werewolf; così come nell’estratto da “Mythos Wewelsburg: Fakten und Legenden” di Daniele Siepe, viene spiegata una posizione/asana che l’artista assume in una scena di “Germania: The theory of Ruins” (1992), from Video Werewolf film. Entrambe le interviste ci fanno riflettere sulla meticolosità che l’artista utilizza per la realizzazione di ogni sua singola Opera. Tenendo presente ciò, sorge spontaneo il pensiero che anche la composizione di questo volume non sia affatto stata affidata al caso. Sono inoltre inclusi in questa raccolta due scritti della stessa Zeena già pubblicati su Beatdom Magazine # 11 (parliamo di “Liberation under the Snow Moon”, racconto di un’azione salvifica per liberare alcuni lupi) e su Vice Magazine (“A Tale of Two Birds and Tantric Meditation”). Le citazioni e le immagini che compongono quest’opera fanno da anello di congiunzione tra tutte le interviste, e aumentano notevolmente il valore del testo, oltre a renderlo ancora più piacevole e scorrevole. Tra le pagine vediamo quindi affiancarsi la bellezza e la chiarezza: forse i due elementi emotivamente più coinvolgenti dell’opera. È questo un testo che dà al grande pubblico la possibilità di aprirsi alla comprensione di Zeena Schreck e della sua Arte. Va indubbiamente letto da chiunque abbia interesse per il percorso spirituale e artistico di Zeena, ma anche, da chi ha solo un interesse marginale per le tematiche trattate. THIS DAY IN HISTORY: November 8, 2002, ZEENA SCHRECK FOUNDS THE SETHIAN LIBERATION MOVEMENT [SLM]For related material see the following articles on Zeena's website:
1) Letter from a Temple of Set Council of Nine member regarding the events leading to Zeena's resignation and the founding of the Storm, later the Sethian Liberation Movement, November 8, 2002… 2) Zeena's resignation letter from the Temple of Set, Inc., [scoll to bottom of page:… ] 3) Excerpt from: Our Final Word on the Temple of Set, Inc. |
Zeena is an entirely independent, self-funded artist. Her livelihood and funding for creative projects rely solely on commissioned artwork, teaching and lecturing engagements, performances and purchases of her products and music, as well as from donations from private patrons and sponsors. If you would like to pledge your support towards the production costs of current works in progress, please use the PayPal donation button at the top of page. Thank you for your support of Zeena's work! Archives
October 2024
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Copyright ©2015-2025 Zeena Schreck.
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