Updates have been made to the Teachings & Consultation Page:For general information regarding Zeena's teaching and consultation sessions, and how to book a session, please refer to the newly updated Teachings Page on this site at https://www.zeenaschreck.com/teachings.html
The Spring 2022 update at the end of the Teachings Page doesn't mean any change to established students' continued training. Any questions can be emailed to [email protected] . [posted by Thomas]
Summer Solstice 2017 - Torino di Sangro, Italy![]() A slideshow and video from the Summer Solstice ritual can be now be seen on the NEW permanent feature 'Photo Gallery of Events and Activities' page of our website. Click on this link: http://www.zeenaschreck.com/photo-gallery.html Video clip of the ritual is below in this post. ![]()
Group Meditation
Guided by Zeena Sunday Dec. 6, 2015 1:00PM - 3:00PM Berlin, Germany 25 Euros Deadline to register - Friday Dec. 4, 2015. This will be the last public group Vajrayana meditation practice session of this year. To register, choose the 'Group Meditation Practice ' button on the Paypal drop-down menu below. [Note: This is an extended meditation session. Zeena will guide the participants straight away into the practice itself.] The group meditation practice includes : -Refuge and Dorje Chang Lineage Prayer -Mantra meditation: the practice includes both struck (audible sound vibration resulting from friction between or striking of two forms of matter) and unstruck (thought vibration/the sound of the celestial realm) mantra chanting and meditation practices. Familiarity with yidam yoga is helpful but not necessary. The Yidam mantra for Dec. 6 will be the short Sangye Menla mantra. The mantra meditation gradually silences and segues into the Shamatha meditation. -Shamatha meditation: a silent seated meditation of calm-abiding and stilling internal monkey-chatter thoughts. This meditation is necessary for all other forms of meditation and advanced spiritual practices. -Short Dewachen Prayer and Dedication to close. If you have the texts for the Vajrayana prayers, please bring with you. If you are new, there will be texts available. Location will be sent to you with your confirmation of registration. For questions, contact: [email protected] There are no further workshops scheduled for 2015. Check this page for upcoming workshops in 2016. ![]()
Zeena's next Workshop in Berlin is Sunday, June 28, 2015 .
This is the last workshop in this series before a Summer break. 1:00PM – 4:30PM 50 Euros per workshop Seating is limited - preregistration is necessary. Deadline to register is June 26, 2015 The Next Workshop Theme is: Part 2 of Sleep and Dream Yoga *To pre-register for the April 26 workshop use the PayPal drop-down menu below, choose “Workshop1-Teaching w/ Practice 50 Euro”.
The workshop opens with traditional group Vajrayana prostrations, recitation of the short Refuge Prayer and short Vajradhara Mahamudra Lineage prayer, followed by a teaching lecture by Zeena relevant to this month's theme. There's a short break after the lecture and the workshop resumes with a mantra chanting session, utilizing both struck (audible sound vibration resulting from friction between or striking of two forms of matter) and unstruck (thought vibration/the sound of the celestial realm) mantra meditation practices. This month's mantra will be to Green Tara: Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Svāhā / Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha Following the mantra chanting session, participants settle into a silent seated meditation of calm-abiding and stilling of the internal monkey-chatter thoughts. Both the mantra meditation and the meditation of calm-abiding are necessary foundations for all other forms of advanced spiritual practices. When performed together with one's teacher, these meditations build an important connection to the generations of lineage holders who have transmitted the same methods to your own teacher. For this reason, meditation together with the teacher produces stronger results than only meditating alone. The workshop concludes with a Questions & Answers period.
*For those not living in Berlin or who cannot attend the workshops, but are interested in booking a long-distance or private in-person consultation with Zeena:
Skype sessions are scheduled between Tuesday and Friday, 4PM-7PM Berlin time. Information on how to book a Skype or private in-person session can be found the end of the Teachings page on this site. For questions about booking personal sessions or group seminars, write to [email protected]. ![]()
Zeena's Next Workshop is May 31, 2015
1:00PM – 4:30PM 50 Euros per workshop Seating is limited - preregistration is necessary. Deadline to register is May 29, 2015 To pre-register for the next workshop, scroll to the end of this post and choose “Workshop1-Teaching w/ Practice” on the PayPal drop down menu below. The Next Workshop Theme is: Sleep and Dream Yoga The theme of Sleep and Dream Yoga will be split into two parts. Part 1: May 31. Part 2: June 28. This month's workshop continues from last months theme of Death, Dying, Loss & Impermanence The main topics covered will be: *The transitions between waking, sleeping and reawakening. *Explanation of the seamless continuum of spiritual practices through changing states of consciousness. *Priming the mind before sleep, as preparation for dreamwork. *Explanation of the significance of Sleep and Dream yoga with relation to death and the death-related meditation and yoga practices. After the opening teaching (described above), Zeena guides the group through a mantra chanting session, utilizing both struck (audible sound vibration resulting from friction between or striking of two forms of matter) and unstruck (thought vibration/the sound of the celestial realm) mantra meditation practices. This month's mantra will be the mantra to Amitabha: Om Ami Dewa Hri Following the mantra chanting session participants settle into a silent seated meditation of calm-abiding and stilling of the internal monkey-chatter thoughts. Both the mantra meditation and the meditation of calm-abiding are necessary foundations for all other forms of advanced spiritual practices. When performed together with one's teacher, these meditations build an important connection to the generations of lineage holders who have transmitted the same methods to your own teacher. For this reason, meditation together with the teacher produces stronger results than only meditating alone. The workshop concludes with a Questions & Answers period. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you don't have a PayPal account, you can send your registration fee by bank transfer - for details please contact: [email protected]. If you cannot attend the workshop but are interested in booking private training sessions with Zeena in Berlin, or for overseas Skype consultations - scroll to the END of this Teachings Page or contact [email protected]. ![]()
The next Workshop in the LIVING IN THE KALI YUGA series is May 31, 2015 -
DEADLINE for pre-registration is May 28. *Please Note: People coming to Germany for Zeena's WGT concert in Leipzig who asked about also attending her workshop the following weekend in Berlin: Please don't wait until you get here to reserve your place. Space for the workshops is very limited – there will be no last-minute registration or 'walk-ins' on the day of the workshop. To pre-register for the next workshop choose “Workshop1-Teaching w/ Practice 50Euro” on the PayPal drop down menu below. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can make a bank transfer by contacting for the details : [email protected]. If you do not live in Berlin but are interested in booking long-distance sessions with Zeena, you may schedule a Skype consultations. For information on how to schedule a Skype session, scroll to the END of this Teachings Page. Or you can contact [email protected]. Review of Zeena's New Art Blog in Korean Pop Starz [ KpopStarz ] International Online Magazine30/4/2015 "The Berlin-based interdisciplinary artist, who goes by the single name Zeena, is a practicing Tibetan Buddhist yogini in the Drikung, Karma Kagyu and Nyingma lineages. She practiced and taught magic and meditation for over 30 years. Zeena is the Hemet-neter Tepi Seth of the Sethian Liberation Movement. Biographical info about Zeena can be found at Daily Offbeat." Read the whole review here: http://www.kpopstarz.com/articles/183814/20150315/zeena-schreck.htm
Pre-registration deadline for Zeena's next Workshop in Berlin is one week away.![]()
Zeena's Next Workshop is April 26, 2015
1:00PM – 4:30PM 50 Euros per workshop Seating is limited - preregistration is necessary. Deadline to register is April 23, 2015 The Next Workshop Theme is: Death, Dying, Loss & Impermanence *To pre-register for the April 26 workshop use the PayPal drop-down menu below, choose “Workshop1-Teaching w/ Practice 50 Euro”. *If you don't have a PayPal account, pre-registration can also be done by bank transfer by writing to: [email protected]. *If you do not live in Berlin but are interested in booking a long-distance consultation with Zeena, Skype sessions are scheduled between Tuesday and Friday, 4PM-7PM Berlin time. For information on how to book a Skype or private in-person session, go to the end of the Teachings page on this site. For questions, write to [email protected].
The Next Workshop is April 26, 2015
Workshop Theme: Death and Impermanence. 1:00PM – 4:30PM 50 Euros per workshop Pre-registration deadline April 23, 2015
"Think of the people in professions who work with death and the dying, including people who kill for a living such as veterinarians who euthanize pets; soldiers; slaughter house employees who prepare animals for mass consumption; executioners in countries that have not abolished the death penalty; insect exterminators; abortionists, etc. This is not a moral judgment but a prayer to those on both sides who suffer the non-virtuous karma of the act and those who are killed. Think of all the different situations where death is surely occurring as you are in seated meditation while conducting your daily prayers. Spend at least a moment each day to contemplate your own death and remember that this life is not solid nor is tomorrow guaranteed. Do not take for granted that you or your loved ones will still be alive tomorrow." --Zeena Schreck
This month's workshop includes:
PRE-REGISTRATION for ZEENA's Next Workshop Ends March 26 , 2015. LIVING IN THE KALI YUGA, is a public workshops series which serves as an introduction and foundation for those interested in possible continued training with Zeena. There are only two more workshops in this public series. The next workshop is Sunday, March 29. COURSE DATES & DESCRIPTION HERE To pre-register for the March 29 workshop choose “Workshop1-Teaching w/ Practice 50 Euro” on the drop down menu: If you don't have a PayPal account, pre-registration can also be done by bank transfer by writing to: [email protected].
If you do not live in Berlin but are interested in booking long-distance consultations with Zeena - Skype sessions are scheduled between Tuesday and Friday, 4PM-7PM Berlin time and can be arranged through [email protected]. Zeena's next Vajrayana-Dharma workshop will be in Berlin on MARCH 29, 2015
Space is limited, so please reserve your place in advance. No walk-ins on the day of the workshop. Deadline for pre-registration is March 26. More details and pre-registration at http://www.zeena.eu/index.php… Private consultation sessions arranged through: [email protected] |
Zeena is an entirely independent, self-funded artist. Her livelihood and funding for creative projects rely solely on commissioned artwork, teaching and lecturing engagements, performances and purchases of her products and music, as well as from donations from private patrons and sponsors. If you would like to pledge your support towards the production costs of current works in progress, please use the PayPal donation button at the top of page. Thank you for your support of Zeena's work! Archives
January 2025
Zeena's Bandcamp page |
Copyright ©2015-2025 Zeena Schreck.
All rights reserved. |