Below, a message from Zeena about a new album she appears on and below that, the music video of the song!'Very happy to announce the release of the new Sacred Legion album, The Higher Unknown, which includes my guest vocals in the opening song, "These Wounds Never Heal"! For anyone in Rome in March, Sacred Legion officially presents the record with a live concert Saturday March 8 in Rome. For updates follow them on Instagram and/or Facebook. Sacred Legion on Bandcamp. [Posted by T.M. 22/01/25]
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Celebrating the 100 year anniversary of F.W. Murnau's classic film Nosferatu:Beginning Friday 4th of March, Bandcamp is waiving their artist fees for 24 hours - a perfect time to order Zeena's first solo release, 'Bring Me The Head Of F.W. Murnau: A Ghost Story in Six Acts,' available at Bandcamp in both digital download or in a digipak CD limited edition (including download code).
About the Album: After a long career in collaborative music activities, this is Zeena Schreck's first entirely solo recording project, placing the collector value of this project in historical context. (To order from Bandcamp, click here or on the picture below.) Released on March 11, 2020, 'Bring Me The Head Of F.W. Murnau: A Ghost Story in Six Acts,' was inspired by news reports that the director's head had been stolen from his grave in Berlin. The tone poems in this recording are sonic necromancy, reflecting the transition from the end of Murnau's worldly life to what his disembodied consciousness may have experienced in the afterlife. Many of the intricate sounds heard in these tracks were captured in field recordings at Murnau's former residence in Berlin and at his grave site in Stahnsdorf, Germany. All music and vocals composed and performed by Zeena Schreck. Genres: Ambient, Avantgarde, Electroacoustic, Experimental, Minimalism, Sound art, Soundscapes, Tonkunst, Tone poems.
For more details on the backstory, and the making of the recording, here's an in-depth interview with Zeena by Nicholas Diak about this recording. To order, click the picture below . [posted by Thomas] From Zeena:“Big Thanks to my dear friend Fabiano Gagliano of the band Sacred Legion for adding me in the acknowledgments of their fantastic new debut album 'Silent Lineage'! At Fabiano's request, both the band name and album title came to me through a divination for the purposes of “christening” the newly formed band. And the rest is history, as they say! [Scroll down for my review!] Though 'Silent Lineage' is their first album, these well-seasoned musicians have decades-long experience in previous European-based Deathrock and Punk bands. Specifically, Fabiano Gagliano (also a visual artists) is formerly of Chants of Maldoror, Mirko is formerly of Human Disease, and Tony Volume is formerly of Idol Lips. The lads hail from Italy, yet Gagliano, in keeping with the necromantic and nostalgic themes of the album, conjures vocal qualities of deceased cult singers like Marc Bolan, Syd Barrett and Benjamin Orr. The original music in this album reflects an eclectic mix of '80s genres from deathrock, classic goth-rock and post-punk. Yet the music also hints of '70s influences like glam rock, prog rock, early neo-martial and industrial music with choice bits of sampling from cult films that film buffs will enjoy. The stark and mysterious cover art is Gagliano's creation. All lyrics are contained within the CD booklet. An excellent debut for this great new band!
My best wishes and blessings to all involved! Omnia·Vincit·Amor ~Zeena” Check it out at Released by Bat-Cave Productions [Scroll down to see a personal message from Zeena.] Those who pre-ordered the digital EP from Bandcamp, check your email as you'll receive the new release via download link that's been sent directly to you. Those who pre-ordered the limited edition, signed and numbered physical CD, your orders were sent as soon as they came in; you should have them any day (if you haven't already). There are still some limited, signed & numbered CDs available HERE! You can sample tracks on the Zeena Scheck Bandcamp site at: FOR REVIEW COPIES of the physical CD and/or Interview requests to Zeena, please write to: [email protected] FOR SHOPS AND RETAILERS and any questions regarding your order, please write to: [email protected] A Message from Zeena:"My heartfelt thanks to all you sweet, kind patrons of the arts who already pre-ordered my debut solo EP! I recognize so many of your names and have wonderful memories of your kind support over the years! Honored to have such a wonderful, eclectic following of alternative music aficionados. It's thanks to people like you who keep independent art and artists going! Some of the initial impressions shared with me have given me such joy and even greater, creative inspiration! By all means, feel free to post your impressions of my new CD publicly too - in comments below or anywhere on my online sites!
Thank you again and may the light of the Morning Star shine brightly upon all of your paths toward Liberation and Enlightenment!" --Zeena At long last, IT'S ALIVE! Congratulations to Mikey Bean for his long awaited mammoth, encyclopedic documentation of the roots of the Los Angeles deathrock scene, which was an integral part of the later goth movement. Within the 630 page history, is full chapter on Radio Werewolf which includes an exclusive interview with Zeena (sample pages below).
Can be purchased NOW directly at: Book description and product details in screenshot below. |
Zeena is an entirely independent, self-funded artist. Her livelihood and funding for creative projects rely solely on commissioned artwork, teaching and lecturing engagements, performances and purchases of her products and music, as well as from donations from private patrons and sponsors. If you would like to pledge your support towards the production costs of current works in progress, please use the PayPal donation button at the top of page. Thank you for your support of Zeena's work! Archives
January 2025
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