Christy Hallberg shares bonus content from her interview with Zeena!From Rock is Lit: "So much of Zeena’s art converges with her spiritual practice. This is definitely true of [her latest album] ‘Transcend’. To celebrate the release of this amazing album, have a listen to this outtake from my interview with her from Episode 22 where Zeena talks about her new album ‘Transcend’, the use and power of Medicine Buddha mantra for spiritual and physical healing, energy transference and mantras as a means for energy transference, approaching Medicine Buddha in the spirit of receptivity and experimentation, the importance of having compassion—even for negative forces—and more. Zeena has been on the podcast a few times, and each time our conversation tends to branch out and take on a life of its own, which means I always have some bits that don’t make it into the regular episodes, many of which wind up as stand-alone mini-episodes, like this one." -Christy Hallberg Direct link to the bonus interview from Episode 22: Direct link to the original interview in the second half of Episode 22, in which Zeena talks about the power certain songs have in spiritual and magical practices, with relation to the plot of Rob Errera's novel Hangman's Jam: Direct link to order Zeena's new album Transcend:
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'Transcend' ready to order at“If you have strength of character, you can use that as fuel to not only be a survivor but to transcend simply being a survivor, use an internal alchemy to turn something rotten and horrible into gold.” ~Zeena Schreck The three lengthy pieces in 'Transcend' totals nearly 52 minutes altogether, affording the listener ample meditative journeys of contemplation and sonic catharsis, ending with an exhilaratingly triumphant sense of dashing through space and time, releasing the ballast of all pain and suffering, emerging as a Victor. The succinct titles focus on specific Buddhist themes, directing the mind toward wider and deeper understanding of ones own spiritual path and experience. The album's official release, June 4th, 2023, is Saga Dawa Düchen, a date of immense Buddhist importance commemorating the birth, enlightenment, and Parinirvana of Buddha Shakyamuni. 'Transcend' debuted at Snow Gallery NYC on June 3rd, 2023, for their third exhibition in a series, 'Movement of the Triangle,' inspired by Kandinsky’s 'Concerning the Spiritual in Art.' The exhibition also marks the first time originals of Zeena's visual art are shown together with works of her late godfather Kenneth Anger. Album cover for Transcend is a detail from a larger piece, 'Ladders,' original art by Zeena Schreck on display at Snow Gallery until end of July, 2023. Credits: released June 4, 2023 Recorded in Berlin, Germany. Sound Engineer: Robert Mayson, NYC. Promo videos of the album linked below, by Courtney Sell. Album is in digital download format only. NEW MUSIC by ZEENAZeena's second solo album 'Transcend' debuts at Snow Gallery NYC on June 3rd, 2023, as soundtrack for their third exhibition in a series, 'Movement of the Triangle,' inspired by Kandinsky’s 'Concerning the Spiritual in Art.' The exhibition also marks the first time originals of Zeena's visual art are shown together with works of her recently deceased godfather Kenneth Anger. All good things come in threes: The three lengthy pieces in this album total 52 minutes altogether, affording the listener ample meditative journeys of contemplation and sonic catharsis, ending with an exhilaratingly triumphant sense of dashing through space and time, releasing the ballast of all pain and suffering, emerging as a Victor. The succinct titles focus on specific Buddhist themes, directing the mind toward wider and deeper understanding of ones own spiritual path and experience. *The album's official release is June 4th, 2023, on the day following its debut at Snow Gallery NYC and a date of immense Buddhist importance, Saga Dawa Düchen, the anniversary of Buddha's Enlightenment and Parinirvana. *Pre-order the album Transcend prior to the official release date to get the first track; email notification on the release date will give you the link to the rest of the album. Album cover for Transcend is a detail from a larger piece, 'Ladders,' original art by Zeena Schreck on display at Snow Gallery until July 2nd, 2023. Recorded in Berlin, Germany. Sound Engineer: Robert Mayson, NYC. Promo videos of the album by Courtney Sell. Album is in digital download format only. For full gallery description of the exhibition and other artists featured, click on the below images or visit: Christy Alexander Hallberg of Rock is Lit explains:"In early October 2022, I had the great pleasure of interviewing Zeena Schreck about her godfather, the avant-garde filmmaker Kenneth Anger[...]. During my lengthy conversation with Zeena, we ventured into a lot of unrelated territory that didn’t make it into the episode. I saved these outtakes because I found them so fascinating, especially the segment in which she talked about her spiritual awakening that led to her becoming a practitioner and lineage holder of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. I was touched that she would share such a personal journey with me and grateful to her for letting me share it with you here in the Rock is Lit Vault. Enjoy the interview, [HERE] then listen to the full Episode 6 here or wherever you get your podcasts." -- Christy Alexander Hallberg To hear the interview click on the screenshot below and scroll to end of this post for personal message from Zeena! Message from Zeena: My heartfelt thanks to Christy Alexander Hallberg for publishing the outtakes from our interview. As is often the case when being interviewed, off-topic questions organically come up and in this case Christy was able to inadvertently document what many have asked me about but which I haven't publicly discussed - my spiritual path and how I got to where I am now. As Christy presented this additional interview material to me as a birthday present, I not only thank her sincerely for that but also hope that anything of what I said is of some benefit to others on their own spiritual journey. Remember that every day you wake up and have the advantage of being alive, in a human body with human conscience and cognizance, and all the potential that comes with that, is a gift and a chance to begin a new life of your choosing. And last but not least, because my root Lama, who I speak of in this interview, also has his birthday so close to mine (same time of the year), I extend all the best birthday wishes and long life prayers to the Very Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche who turns 91 in a few days! Below is a video of last years prayers to him by his monastery in Canada. For those unfamiliar with Tibetan Buddhist types of liturgies and rituals in this video, this gives an idea of the practices to which I'm initiated, for which I'm so very grateful! As we enter into the dark months of the year, may your heart be filled with light and non-judgment and you become a beacon of radiant compassion and loving-kindness to all sentient beings around you. -Om Mani Padme Hum- Zeena P.S. As I first listened to the interview, the point where I'm describing the intermediate state of consciousness between one life before reincarnating into the next life, in Tibetan Buddhism known as the Bardo Thödol, which spans forty-nine days, I noticed that the total running time of this interview coincidentally came to forty-nine minutes! [posted by t.m.] Exclusive in-depth seven page interview with Zeena in the April '21 edition of Derailed, a new magazine for cynics, renegades and survivors of the unimaginable, describes the article: "The Artist Discusses Inspiration, Early Life & 'The State of Suchness.'"
"My leaving my birth country wasn't just about my family. It was about the country itself. It's about what I went through with that national witch-hunt, the whole experience." -Zeena Schreck To read online, go to Featured Story in the April 2021 Issue. Order the print edition at: Film Review of 'Insidious': Zeena Interviewed about Astral Projecting through the Netherworld3/4/2021 Den of Geek magazine consults Zeena about Tibetan tantric Buddhist practices of astral projection and traveling though netherworlds in relation to the new film 'Insidious,' and its portrayal of a realm called 'The Further'.
Selected excerpts of Zeena's interview below. The entire article can be read at: Selected excerpts: DoG: Among true believers, “the Further” is also called Liṅga Śarīra, Akasha, and prana. But it’s probably best known as the astral plane, a shallow tag in itself. “The term ‘astral plane’ is a poetic description, at best, or more accurately a misnomer,” says Zeena, a Tibetan tantric Buddhist yogini, and iconic occult authority and artist. “When our consciousness pierces the veil of our ordinary, everyday scope of perception, there are infinite other realities one might experience, not just one ‘astral plane.’” [...] DoG: In Insidious, the paranormal hunting psychic Elise explains that Dalton is a “traveler,” who was born with the ability to pierce that veil. “Everybody possesses the potential for astral projection,” Zeena says. “It’s a natural part of being human, just as many other metaphysical or paranormal experiences can naturally occur. But the ability to actualize it is relatively rare, and the effects from the occurrences vary greatly depending on many factors.” [...] “Astral projection during deep states of unconsciousness like sleeping, fainting, or coma, could be achieved by a master of such techniques,” Zeena says. “For one who’s trained most of their life in the esoteric method of willed astral projection, and has become highly skilled in the ability to focus the mind under all circumstances, then deep states of unconsciousness wouldn’t impede their ability.” [...] DoG: Zeena confirms people can be guided through the experience, but insists “it’s a very delicate process requiring a qualified teacher from reputable metaphysical lineages that specialize in that. And even then, astral projection, or directing one’s consciousness, is not the main goal, but rather a way to gauge preparedness for more advanced training on the path toward spiritual enlightenment. When done improperly, the results of attempting astral projection simply for experimentation, entertainment, or curiosity can be disastrous.” [...] DoG: The different practices are often mistakenly considered interchangeable, but are quite different. “With astral projection, one is sending one’s consciousness–either in part or fully–away from their body to a designated place or realm, in this world or others, for a particular purpose,” Zeena explains. “Remote viewing is when consciousness remains in the body but one can view anywhere else from afar. These two phenomena are also different from the involuntary experience colloquially known as OBE (out of body experiences), which usually spontaneously occurs in conjunction with trauma, near death experiences, or extreme stressors or ecstasy.” [End of excerpts] FAQ General Info Letter To People Who Newly Discover Zeena based on outdated, last century interviews with her.With so much misinformation, disinformation, conspiracies and outdated or vestigial sources saturating the so-called information highway of the Internet, there are always those who discover Zeena from very old interviews found online dating back to the 1980s during the "satanic panic" era in America. Because we get a bit tired of answering the same questions about what is easily found in a couple of seconds' web search, we've compiled a concise general info letter with facts about Zeena's personal and spiritual evolution and current status. For easy reference, this FAQ letter is now a permanent page within Zeena's website. We hope it helps to clarify some things. And if inspires you to unsubscribe, we're happy to have helped you to make that decision too and wish you all the best! Kind regards -Thomas M [webmaster] [BEGIN]
In 1990, Zeena left the Church of Satan, an organization within which she was raised and groomed to become its High Priestess and first public spokesperson. From 1985 to 1990, she publicly defend her father's organization at his request during the U.S. witch-hunt known as "the Satanic Panic" (a moral panic characterized by allegations of Satanic ritual abuse). Many at the time rhetorically asked Zeena why her father didn't confront his accusers himself. Strong philosophical, ethical and administrative differences grew between Zeena and her father, as well as parental jealousies surrounding renewed attention garnered for the church from the impact of Zeena's media appearances. The final straw precipitating her abdication was her father's threatening her life in the presence of a witness. After this ideological and familial breaking point, Zeena severed ties with her father, publicly exposing him and his organization as fraudulent and hypocritical. Her final ritual of severance from the Church of Satan, on Walpurgisnacht of 1990, sent shockwaves through the occult world that knew her as her father's strongest public defender up to that point. The event was referenced in a 1991 Rolling Stone article by Lawrence Wright who wrote, "Later I learned that earlier in the evening, LaVey's younger daughter had chosen this special day to renounce her father. 'I officially and ritually ended my positions as Church of Satan representative-defender and daughter of Anton LaVey,' Zeena declared in a letter." The ensuing character assassination, spin-doctoring, rumor mongering, and threats from her father's dwindling die-hard supporters continue to this day. Zeena is unfazed, describing LaVeyan Satanism as "Uptight Dark Triad personality disorder ninnies with cosplay and ritual fetishes." Since leaving the Church of Satan, Zeena also totally rejects, is not a part of, nor condones, any form of Satanism, or western occult trends such as Luciferianism, Crowleyism, Thelema, Chaos Magick, Theosophy, The Golden Dawn, Freemasons, Temple of Set, etc. Her reasons for this disavowal are due to her own life's experience witnessing how and why such pseudo-religious, occult or otherwise hierarchical esoteric groups and practices are not a viable route to freedom, liberation and enlightenment. Her first-hand experience in such groups proved they're just traps, often leading to worse manipulation, abuse, exploitation, mental and physical suffering and decay than conventional religions. Zeena teaches that oppressive religious or ideological zealotry can happen within any system and that the antidote to that is not to flip to the opposite extreme or competitor, in a reactionary maneuver. After leaving the Church of Satan, Zeena began practicing traditional Indian tantra* (*traditional Indian/Vedic tantra is not to be confused with the degraded Western forms of tantra, called neo-tantra and most often associated with sexual abuse and exploitation; that's not what traditional Indian tantra is.).[*Ref: Zeena's book "Demons of the Flesh", 2002, co-authored with Nikolas Schreck.] Within the framework of traditional tantric spiritual practices, Zeena was initiated specifically into the Kali-Shakti practices. These practices led her to discover, evolve, and formally convert to Tibetan Buddhism, in the Drikung Kagyu, Karma Kagyu and Nyingma lineages. As a yogini, Zeena has taken full Bodhisattva vows and completed the traditional Tibetan tantric Buddhist three year retreat training (i.e., initiation and practices which include Vajrayogini, the Six Yogas of Naropa and Mahamudra). She is an established religious teacher in the field of Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism and of Mahamudra and Karma yoga meditation. She teaches Buddhist philosophy and meditation techniques at the longest standing Buddhist center in Berlin, Germany (BGB) as well as giving lectures, seminars, workshops, instruction in ritual practices, private coaching, and spiritual counseling on these topics. She also takes regular retreats to deepen and master her ongoing practices. In 2015, Zeena and her former husband Nikolas Schreck divorced, also ending their collaborative work, and they now live totally separate lives. However, Zeena chose to keep her married name stating that she would not reinstate her born surname (LaVey) "due to the heavy weight of negative karma that travels with it." If one only knows her from her 20th century U.S. interviews while defending her father's religion during the heat of a national moral-fundamentalist hysteria, it's important to understand that Zeena was never against Christianity, or any religion. She was and is against ignorance and closed-mindedness - including ignorant Satanists and closed-minded occultists. Zeena is apolitical and believes in freedom of religion, choice and lifestyle for everyone. She also feels that ones religion should be their own private business just as politics, sexual orientation or any other personal preferences should be. So, whatever her religion is - or has been - it should not be confused with her profession and career which is that of artist, musician and writer. For more about Zeena's disavowal of Satanism and her life in the last 30+ years, please refer to these links: Wiki page Zeena's Teachings Page: Blog: Interview for VICE magazine describing her rejection of Satanism Zeena's YouTube Channel with recent interviews: [END] [Last updated: 13 March, 2021] A personal message from Zeena:Greetings! I'd like to share an important three-part film project, which I endorse, called "Women vs. Warlords". The film aims to bring greater world-wide awareness of the struggles and oppression of Afghani women under the current Taliban rule. The most urgent goal right now is for filmmakers Diarmuid Brannick (Co-ordinator) and Tim Hood (Camera Operator, Director) to get into Afghanistan next week to interview Malalai Joya, activist for women's education and literacy in that country. An extremely risky undertaking as Malalai Joya has suffered assassination attempts; a risk which could extend to Western filmmakers attempting to reveal the current plight of women in Afghanistan. My reasons for endorsing this project:The Afghanistan region gave birth to the origins of Tibetan tantric Buddhism as we know it today; a religion of peace, loving-kindness and in particular, reverence for the feminine principle within the mystical practices of tantric Buddhism. Prior to the Islamic conquest of Afghanistan between the 7th to the 10th centuries, Buddhism was a major religion in the region. Around the beginning of the 21st century, among other oppressive and destructive actions, the Taliban destroyed two of the largest and oldest Buddha statues in existence, dating back to the 6th century, C.E., a blatant display of disregard for world protests and world heritage sites. The Buddhist Master Padmasambhava (or Guru Rinpoche) was born in the 8th century in South West Odiyana, also known as Lake Danakosha, located on the Afghanistan-Pakistan frontier. Padmasambhava brought tantric Buddhism from this region to Tibet and as a result Tibetans consider him “the second Buddha” to the Buddha Shakyamuni. Tibetan Buddhism is one of the few world religions which reveres its female religious leaders, feminine deities, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, dakinis and yoginis equally to their male counterparts. As a Tibetan Buddhist yogini who has been initiated in the mystical practices and teachings originating from this region, I believe that the empowerment of the women of this sacred land to be of utmost importance. The full description of this ambitious project can be read at THIS LINK. (An excerpt is posted below.) If this project moves you as it did me, please consider any donation toward funding - it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for taking the time to read this! OM MANI PADME HUM and Š-L-M ~Zeena An Excerpt of the Filmmakers' Description:Today in Afghanistan women are fighting for their lives, for their future, for everything.
We are seeking to send an Irish film crew, 2 people, to Kabul, Afghanistan for 4 days in late December 2019 for the purpose of conducting an extended interview and short film with Malalai Joya, a prominent human rights and literacy activist, who despite assassination attempts and smear campaigns continues to fight for her people. Description The interview will be the first in a planned series of feature length interviews with three of Afghanistan's bravest women: Previously mentioned Malalai Joya, Journalist and women’s rights activist Farahnaz Forotan and celebrated educator Dr Sakena Yacoobi. The focus of these in-depth conversations; the fight for women's rights and the power of literacy in that fight. By amplifying the voices of these women, starting with Malalai Joya we seek to strengthen their resolve, the resolve of their supporters and share a deeper more intimate insight into their lives. With the emerging presence of Islamic State in Afghanistan and the US negotiating with the Taliban, supporting, safeguarding and emboldening female leaders in the country is the single most important thing we can possibly do. […] Afghanistan is widely considered to be the worst place in the world to be a woman, and is one of the only countries in the world with a higher female suicide rate than male. The situation for some women and girls is so bad they actually set themselves on fire in desperate protest or as means of ending their lives. Amid government failure, among the fundamentalists, warlords and criminals battling for control and resources, through the years and different phases of dominion, despite widespread unquestioned misogynistic traditional beliefs many ordinary Afghans, especially women have risked their lives to empower their people. They have risked their lives to bring the light of literacy and smash the bonds of subjugation. Please support us! [End Excerpt] Update DECEMBER 16, 2019 by Diarmuid Brannick, Organizer We have just over €2000 left to raise, all our costs have been brought to bare minimum to make this important project happen. If you can pledge a final donation or know anyone who could, please ask them. €10 or €20 at this point from enough people will make it all possible. Thank you! Detailed information in this link: Milarepa mantra chanted during meditation by Zeena for CHÖKHOR DÜCHEN, 2017. In the Buddhist tradition, today is celebrated as the first teaching given by the Buddha Shakyamuni after attaining Enlightement. Any mantras recited on this day accumulate the positive merit ten million times. During the day's mantra meditations, as Zeena chanted the Milarepa mantra, birds came to listen. The Tibetan sage Milarepa, born nearly a thousand years ago, was a powerful black magician in Tibet who renounced his sorcery ways, dedicating himself to the Dharma teachings. As a result, he become fully enlightened in one lifetime. Milarepa is not only a source of inspiration to Zeena, who has also followed a similarly extreme path in life, but it is also into his lineage that she is initiated by her heart lama H.E. Ayang Rinpoche, one of the yogi lineage holders who has maintained Milarepa's teachings in pure, undiluted and unbroken form. Gratitude to H.E. Ayang Rinpoche for the image of Milarepa, Vajradhara and Vajrayogini used at the beginning of the video and for his wisdom and compassion which are boundless. To learn more about the magical life of Milarepa, visit this page. Thanks goes out to author Jamie Mason for posting this very thoughtful message in response to a correspondence he had with Zeena relating to his mother's recent death. Below you will find his kind message, and below that, the letter from Zeena to which he's responding. If there are any other requests for blessings at next week's Summer Solstice ritual, please write clearly what the blessing is for (i.e., deceased being, or sick person or animal), briefly state what the purpose of the blessing is. They will be added to the ritual.-Om Ami Dewa Hri- Jamie's message below:
The following is the email from Zeena to Jamie to which he refers: Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2017 6:30 PM Subject: Re: Letter to Zeena Schreck [pls. forward] --[BEGIN]-- Dear Jamie, Thank you for your recent letter. I appreciate your explaining the complicated and challenging upbringing you surely experienced. For now, because of the timing, I will address the issue which first inspired you to write: I'm very sorry for what you are experiencing surrounding news of your estranged mother's death (which is now over a month ago) and the accompanying hostility from family. I understand and empathize with your mixed emotions about your mother's passing, a once in a lifetime experience. Such dysfunctional family situations are especially difficult at the time of death, when unexpected behavior among family inevitably arises and emotions are raw. Nonetheless, right now, your mother's consciousness is still wandering within the 49 day transition between this life and where she will take form next. Her Bardo phase will end approximately on June 29, so her consciousness is still able to perceive faint traces of this world, and connections to it, albeit it with more difficulty with each passing day. However, she can still be contacted. So it was very fortunate that you happened to make contact at this time and that the time coincided with this Summer Solstice ritual. The mother-child bond is very revered within the Tibetan tantric practices and teachings. With applied focus techniques I've learned from my heart lamas (the old-school first-generation of exiled lamas), I will focus especially on the aspect of dissolving the karmic sources of pain and suffering on both of your sides so that there should be no clinging to resentments, animosities or hostilities. Such destructive emotions only cause worse problems for all concerned. There is nothing more she can do to you now. Now you are in a stronger position to be for her what she couldn't be for herself or others. The part of the ritual where I do the blessings and release for the deceased will occur at roughtly 9:45PM CET, which would be about 12:45PM PST. It would be good if you could simultaneously perform whatever mind clearing meditation that you know, focusing on only peaceful thoughts. If it helps stabilize your visual field, and the mind from wandering, use the support of a white candle flame to gaze upon, allowing yourself to become relaxed within the warmth of the flame for several minutes, keeping the breath even and relaxed. From that warmth, allow peaceful, loving thoughts to emanate for your mother, visualizing her perfected self, free of the defilements she had in worldly life. Then visualize her being absorbed within the Pure Light, released from cyclic suffering and uncontrollable rebirth. Try to not think but just experience non-judgmental loving-kindness. This is one reason why these practices are called "the Heroic Path." Because to emanate loving-kindness, especially to those who've hurt us most, requires a heroic constitution, carried out from a place of strength, understanding and compassion. May you have Peace within the Eye of the Storm, Om Mani Padme Hum Zeena --[END]-- Jamie Mason's books are available online and personal writings on his blog at
EXCLUSIVE- Zeena will conduct a rare Summer Solstice Ritual and Blessing by the Sea in Italy: Open to the first 12 people to reserve their place. A teaching with guided practice and the possibility for individuals' questions answered are also included in the ritual event. More details below in Italian language, then followed by English.
Because of the very limited number of participants allowed, to reserve a space NOW use THIS PayPal Button:
ESCLUSIVO: Zeena guiderà un raro rituale Tantrico-Sethiano per il Solstizio d'estate con la benedizione del mare italiano, l'evento è limitato ad un gruppo di 12 persone. Durante la giornata saranno inclusi anche alcuni insegnamenti aggiuntivi con pratiche guidate.
Seguono più dettagli. * In sintonia con il lignaggio yogico del saggio buddhista tibetano Milarepa, a cui Zeena è iniziata, il tema dell'insegnamento sarà basato sulla consapevolezza intuitiva che il guru avrà al momento dell'insegnamento, e riguarderà quindi ciò che sarà più utile in quell'istante per i partecipanti. Per questo motivo, il tema dell'insegnamento non potrà essere annunciato precedentemente. * L'insegnamento inizierà alle 15.30 ed includerà istruzioni sulla pratica dello yoga; verrà dedicato del tempo per fare in modo che i partecipanti siano guidati attraverso la pratica. * Ci sarà tempo per domande brevi e conseguenti risposte. * Alle 18.00 dopo l'insegnamento, ci sarà un piccolo break per cenare. * Ognuno dovrebbe portare con sé il cibo che preferisce, non possiamo accontentare ognuno con dei piatti speciali. Ma ci saranno alcuni snack leggeri per tutti. Vi preghiamo di portare anche le bevande di cui avete bisogno. Per rimanere vigili durante l'insegnamento e il rituale, si chiede di astenersi dal bere alcolici finché non sia giunto a termine il tutto. * La pausa serale durerà approssimativamente tre ore. Durante questa pausa sarete liberi di andare fuori a passeggiare, parlare con gli altri, fermarvi o visitare la spiaggia. Ma per favore siate puntuali per il rituale che inizia alle 21. * Incontro privato con Zeena: se qualcuno ha domande personali sulla spiritualità o l'iniziazione, potrà farle durante la pausa serale. Quando farete il pagamento tramite PayPal siete pregati di far notare che volete anche parlare in privato, oppure rendetelo noto a un assistente durante il seminario. * Il rituale avrà inizio alle 21.00. * Richieste di benedizione per sé stessi, per gli altri o per animali, potranno essere scritti sulla carta e dati a Zeena alla fine del rituale. * CHIUNQUE NON POSSA PARTECIPARE, MA VUOLE COMUNQUE CHE LA PROPRIA RICHIESTA DI BENEDIZIONE SIA INCLUSA ALLA FINE DEL RITUALE, è pregato di mandare solo il proprio nome OPPURE il nome della persona o dell'animale per cui è la benediIone a [email protected]. Scrivete chiaramente il motivo per cui chiedete la benedizione (es. esseri deceduti, persone malate o animali), oppure brevemente lo scopo per cui è la benedizione. PER FAVORE, NON LETTERE LUNGHE!!! Solo il nome e lo scopo. Sarà aggiunto al rituale. *L'evento si concluderà alle 22.00. *Per domande rivolgersi a [email protected] . [FINE]
EXCLUSIVE: Zeena will conduct a rare Tantric Sethian Summer Solstice Ritual and Blessing by the Sea in Italy to a limited group of 12. Additional Teaching with guided practice also included. – more details below. *In accordance with the yogic lineage of the Tibetan Buddhist sage Milarepa, from which Zeena is initiated, the theme of the teaching is based on the guru's intuitive understanding of what the participants need at the time of the teaching. Therefore, the theme of the teaching cannot yet be announced. *The teaching begins at 15.30 which includes instructions of yogic practice plus time for participants to be guided through the practice. *There will be time for short questions & answers afterwards. *At 18.00, after the teaching, there will be an evening break. *Everyone should bring their own preference of food, for themselves - we cannot accommodate each person's special food wishes. But there will be some light snacks for everyone. Please also bring your own drinks. To remain alert through the teaching and ritual, we ask that you to refrain from drinking alcohol until the teachings and ritual are over. *The evening break is approximately three hours. During the evening break, you're free to go for a walk, talk with others, rest or visit the beach. But please be on time for the ritual which begins at 21.00. *Private Meetings with Zeena: If anyone has spiritual or initiatory questions of a personal nature for Zeena, there will be time during the evening break to do that. When making your Paypal transaction, please note that you would like to speak privately, or mention it with one of the assistants at the seminar. *The ritual will begin at 21.00. *Requests for blessings for yourself or others, or for pets/animals may be written on a paper and given to Zeena at the end of the ritual. *ANYONE NOT ATTENDING, BUT WHO WOULD LIKE THEIR REQUESTS FOR BLESSINGS TO BE INCLUDED AT THE END OF THE RITUAL, please send only your name OR the name of the person or animal for whom the blessing is for to [email protected]. Write clearly what the blessing is for (i.e., deceased being, or sick person or animal), or briefly what the purpose of the blessing is. NO LONG LETTERS PLEASE!!! Just a name and purpose. They will be added to the ritual. *The entire event concludes at 22.00. *For any questions, contact [email protected]. [END] San Francisco is currently celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love. This week also marks the dark-side of the city's history. On May 23, 1967 Zeena made her international debut as performance-artist at the first public satanic baptism, orchestrated by her parents' in-house carnival show. She has commemorated the event by creating a personally charged meditative ritual in the form of a soundscape and video collage. [Video below] "On this darkest night of the year, may all survivors of war and violence be blessed with strength, perseverance, peace and an end to suffering.
May we take a moment of silent contemplation, during our Yuletide festivities, to honor those who have perished as the result of war and mindless violence." -Zeena Schreck, Winter Solstice 2016 Photo of Gen. George S. Patton's dog, Willie, mourning Patton's death. "How awful war is. Think of the waste." -Gen. Patton, moments before the car collision in Heidelburg, Germany that ended his life on Dec. 21, 1945. Brought to you by HEINZFELLER NILEISIST, the same artist who presented The Zaum of Zeena at last year's NY Art Book Fair. Designed by Frank Haines in cooperation with Zeena, this fashion-art t-shirt is a companion piece to The Zaum of Zeena art-zine. Launched in time for Valentine's Day and Lupercalia, this garment is no ordinary t-shirt. It's a magical talisman combining all the symbolism necessary to foster blissful union of the initiate's inner male-female erotic-war deity energies represented by Seth and His secret consort Inanna and presided over by their High Priestess in this era, Zeena. The human mind is always at war with itself because the inner masculine-feminine polarities are not united but divided. As a result, the inner conflicts translate to outer destructive behavior and actions. Donning this article of clothing should be regarded as a ritual homage to the wearer's yet-to-be indestructible, non-dual state of perfect peace and spiritual completion (Š-L-M ). A reminder that Liberation and Enlightenment comes when opposing forces become one. For those not well versed in tantric practices, Gnosticism, ancient mythology and Magical Theurgy, it's also just a damn cool design to have in your collection! *After the official release at the LA Art Book Fair, it will be available in Featured Products on this site. If you are in L.A., be among the first to get one at the HEINZFELLER NILEISIST booth X21 Preview: Thursday, February 11, 6–9 pm Printed Matter’s LA ART BOOK FAIR, free and open to the public: Friday February 12, 1pm-6pm Saturday February 13, 11am-7pm Sunday February 14, 11am-6pm The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA 152 North Central Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 626-6222
Group Meditation
Guided by Zeena Sunday Dec. 6, 2015 1:00PM - 3:00PM Berlin, Germany 25 Euros Deadline to register - Friday Dec. 4, 2015. This will be the last public group Vajrayana meditation practice session of this year. To register, choose the 'Group Meditation Practice ' button on the Paypal drop-down menu below. [Note: This is an extended meditation session. Zeena will guide the participants straight away into the practice itself.] The group meditation practice includes : -Refuge and Dorje Chang Lineage Prayer -Mantra meditation: the practice includes both struck (audible sound vibration resulting from friction between or striking of two forms of matter) and unstruck (thought vibration/the sound of the celestial realm) mantra chanting and meditation practices. Familiarity with yidam yoga is helpful but not necessary. The Yidam mantra for Dec. 6 will be the short Sangye Menla mantra. The mantra meditation gradually silences and segues into the Shamatha meditation. -Shamatha meditation: a silent seated meditation of calm-abiding and stilling internal monkey-chatter thoughts. This meditation is necessary for all other forms of meditation and advanced spiritual practices. -Short Dewachen Prayer and Dedication to close. If you have the texts for the Vajrayana prayers, please bring with you. If you are new, there will be texts available. Location will be sent to you with your confirmation of registration. For questions, contact: [email protected] There are no further workshops scheduled for 2015. Check this page for upcoming workshops in 2016. |
Zeena is an entirely independent, self-funded artist. Her livelihood and funding for creative projects rely solely on commissioned artwork, teaching and lecturing engagements, performances and purchases of her products and music, as well as from donations from private patrons and sponsors. If you would like to pledge your support towards the production costs of current works in progress, please use the PayPal donation button at the top of page. Thank you for your support of Zeena's work! Archives
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